Make a fast cheater dessert with chocolate topping and store-bought donuts and you will not be disappointed. When you are running low on time and still need a treat that:
A. you can make in a flash.
B. not spend a fortune on ingredients
C. look like you took more time than you actually did
D. appear like you really have your stuff together
E. fix something that everyone will eat
Then you will want to make this semi-homemade dessert using store-bought chocolate syrup and fresh strawberries.
Ingredients for fast cheater dessert with chocolate topping:
- sour cream glazed donuts or your favorite donut. Cake or yeast will work, any will work because it is a donut and donuts are good.
- whip cream in a can. Because nothing is too good for your guests
- Chocolate topping. It can be the brown bottle of Hershey syrup, the fancy topping in a jar or what ever you have hidden in the back of your pantry. You know the one that is hidden so the kids don’t use it all in a week and you know where it is so you can pull it out at the last-minute and look like a super hero.
- fresh strawberries sliced up. If you don’t have fresh, you can use frozen that are thawed.
Directions fast cheater dessert with chocolate topping:
- Open the box of donuts. Place a donut on each plate. Be careful not to eat one while you are making them because you could end up short one. Not that this has ever happened to me.
- Carefully slice the strawberries and place on top of the donut. You can prepare the sliced strawberries before the meal and let them sit in a little sprinkled sugar and it will create a nice sugary juice that you can pour on top too.
- Add a squirt of whip cream from the aerosol can in your mouth to make sure it is good enough to serve to your guests. Make sure you do not eat it all because the plate is not as pretty without it. Also, don’t let the tip touch your mouth, you would not want anyone getting your cooties.
- Drizzle what ever liquid chocolate goodness you have over the dessert like shown in the picture. If you use a chocolate fudge sauce you can microwave it for a few seconds to make it flow for better drizzle ability. If not it might just be a chocolate fudge clump. Not that it won’t taste great it just won’t be as pretty. And quite frankly, pretty is what we are going for here because we both know it is not because you put a huge effort into this. So what ever chocolate topping you use make sure you drizzle it an attractive manner.
If you are looking for other recipes that include chocolate click on the links below.
Thank you to my friend Laura for making this fast dessert at Dinner Club and allowing me to share it with you.
My daughter’s favorite dessert is donuts. She’s donut crazy! I must do this for her on her next visit.